Disney World January 2019: Day 6.
Sunday, January 13th:
Headed out to Epcot this morning. Headed straight to Test Track. The ride opened at 9:30 am.
I got on 9 times by 11:15 am. Now at 220.
I took the bus back to my resort.
My friend Krystle picked me up and we went to Disney Springs for lunch. We ate at Deluxe Burger.
Krystle then took me to the Cast Connection and Property Control store. This is a store for Cast Members. They can bring in guests. I got a couple of things for friends at work.
I went back to Epcot and got on Test Track 7 more times. When I was in a car, for the 8th ride, the attraction broke down. They tried to get the cars moving but had to do a full power down. I got evacuated from the ride for the 2nd time. This one was deep in the ride. I was right next to the “Truck” before the cars go outside. Meghan and Tara took us off the ride. Meghan even asked what I did to break the ride. When I got back out to the ride entrance, all the cast members were happy I got a good Evac. I ended up at 227 rides when I left Test Track.
I went on The Seas with Nemo & Friends ride. I then walked to “France” to see the film, “Impressions of France”. It was a great filmography of France. Saw little fireworks before I left for the night.