Disney World January 2019: Day 9.
Wednesday, January 16th:
Today is the day I fly back to Southern California. Still a few things I want to do before I head to the airport.
I headed out to the Animal Kingdom first this morning. I wanted to see if the baby giraffe is out on the savanna.
I got to Kilimanjaro Safari when the park opened at 9 am. I was informed by one of the tour guides that the newborn giraffe will not be out in the Safari for a couple months. I still took the tour one last time. I was able to get some good Lion photos.
I took the bus to Epcot. Got to Test Track at 10:30 am. I got to ride one time with Liz. She also took me up to the GM lounge for another visit. We had a fun talk with Krista. I got back to Test Track and ended up with 9 rides for the day. That brought my total to 315. I also got some photos as I was saying goodbye to the crew. I got on Test Track 195 times during my visit. I was only hoping to get 80.
It was an awesome trip. One I will never forget. Everyone was extra special and nice. All my Cast Member Friends really made my trip unforgettable. I love them all very much and can’t wait to see them again.