Disneyland 5K Run
Today was my first ever 5K event. Of course my first has to be a Disneyland 5K. Got to the starting corral at about 4:45am. They let the top runners go first. Since I was walking, I was in the last group. We crossed the start line at about 5:40am. It went pretty good. I was able to get around the course in about 45 minutes. The course was through both Disney Parks and ended at Diwntiwn Disney. A few people helped inspire me to challenge myself in this event. My Pit Crew friends, Catalina and Carlene. Carlene has run a half marathon and some 5K events. She runs even though she has asthma. And Catalina is running the 10K and half marathon this weekend. That really impressed me to try to do at least a 5K. So beside the race today, I’m also signed up for the 5K runs in November and in January. Catalina was there to cheer me on at the finish line. Overall it was s great first experience. Maybe one day I’ll see if I can walk a 10K event.